The Try It Fund Winners!

The Try It Fund is a grant competition that awards Davidson students with up to $1,000 to pursue a creative or innovative idea. We fund for-profit ventures, so your project must make money by selling a product, idea, or service. We realize you are going to make mistakes when attempting something you’ve never done before. Failure is part of the creative process, and we want you to take risks, try new ideas, learn how to quickly recognize what doesn’t work and pivot onto something that does.

The Hurt Hub@Davidson is excited to spotlight our 2022 Try It Fund grant recipients. The Try It Fund is a grant competition that awards Davidson students up to $1,000 to pursue an innovative or creative project. The Try It Fund awards grants to for-profit ventures by selling a product, software, idea, service, etc…

In a time when taking on risks or trying new things can be scary, the Try It Fund works to encourage students to create in spite of the fear of failure and learn how to work on their feet. This year, thirteen ventures received funds from the Try It Fund.

Click on each name to learn more about these for-profit ventures.

The Try It Fund is a grant competition that awards Davidson students with up to $1,000 to pursue a creative or innovative idea. We fund for-profit ventures, so your project must make money by selling a product, idea, or service. We realize you are going to make mistakes when attempting something you’ve never done before. Failure is part of the creative process, and we want you to take risks, try new ideas, learn how to quickly recognize what doesn’t work and pivot onto something that does.


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Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Davidson College