
Inside Supperland’s large and airy interior, you’ll meet Jeff Tonidandel ‘98 and Jamie Brown ‘99 who are the founder and owners of the successful Charlotte restaurant. After quitting their jobs and traveling around the world, the Davidson couple found their passion and got to work. Listen in to this episode of Hub & Spoke to learn about their paths from Davidson, how Supperland got started, how they maintained a restaurant during a global pandemic, and more inside information.

A Quick Overview

Both Jeff and Jamie took time after graduating from Davidson before heading off to graduate schools to get their MBAs. Taking that time allowed each of them to find their first career paths. After five or so years at their jobs and fresh from the alter, there was a slight disconnect for both Jeff & Jamie in their careers. Making a big leap, both of them left their careers for an unknown amount of time. The two of them ended up being gone for 8 to 9 months to travel around parts of Europe and Asia when the idea to open a restaurant came from just spitballing back and forth. This became the genesis of Supperland. Those dreams and fun ideas don’t entail any risk, but after returning stateside, reality started to set in. Coming back in 2008 and 2009, launching such a risky business in a recession was scary, but Jeff and Jamie jumped in.

Reflecting on life at Davidson, both Jeff and Jamie were athletes. Translating those experiences into the business world, in Jeff’s words, the small nature of athletic teams at Davidson and the ability to grow throughout your four years on such a team is a big developmental leap. To go from learning from the upperclassmen as freshmen to then inheriting and leading the team yourself as a senior, was a huge part of Davidson for both of them. Now, at Supperland, Jeff and Jamie are leading a team of 150 people and each person has their own important role and fits as a piece into the larger puzzle. 

Innovation is the spark, whereas entrepreneurship is the action, in Jamie’s words. Working through a pandemic and having to shift on a moment’s notice when the entire world shuts down has kept Jeff and Jamie innovating and changing their business. Additionally, being a married couple working together, giving each other space to grow and make decisions on their own within their business has been essential to the success of Supperland. In the end, Jeff and Jamie are super passionate and love what they do, making their work, at its core, easy yet challenging, striking a perfect balance.  

Be sure to follow Supperland on Instagram

Inside Supperland’s large and airy interior, you’ll meet Jeff Tonidandel ‘98 and Jamie Brown ‘99 who are the founder and owners of the successful Charlotte restaurant. After quitting their jobs and traveling around the world, the Davidson couple found their passion and got to work. Listen in to this episode of Hub & Spoke to learn about their paths from Davidson, how Supperland got started, how they maintained a restaurant during a global pandemic, and more inside information.


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