The Hurt Hub didn’t exist when Cameron was at Davidson and as an English major, she jumped into communications for seven years, not knowing entrepreneurship was ever an option. After seven years and realizing it wasn’t where she wanted to go, she honed in on what brought her joy: flowers!
At Davidson, Cameron was focused on poetry and saw flowers as a pathway back to the super creative time that Davidson was, while also being commercially viable. Literary analysis and deeply studying text have translated to Cameron’s work as a CEO, and not necessarily the content, but how she looks and analyzes that content, using those skills in her work. The synthesizing and storytelling required of an English thesis applies to bringing pieces of data together to make one cohesive business narrative. Cameron was also a member of the women’s soccer team during her time at Davidson, forcing her to learn time management and discipline, which has translated to getting a start-up going and maintaining that success.
As a woman founder, Cameron has seen the odds against female founders and the inequity that’s just generally present. Cameron has had a majorly positive experience, but when there were investors that overlooked Poppy or Cameron because she wasn’t what they expected, Cameron stayed assured in herself and her own mission, knowing that her business and work ethic has the tools for the people that trust her.
Cameron ends with some advice for Davidson students: get involved with the Hurt Hub to connect with start-ups! Now that so many companies are remote, there are so many opportunities to connect with small companies that will help you grow.