Emily Schmit: Hi Louis, I was wondering if you could tell me about your work at the Hurt Hub – what you do there you, and how you’re kind of a face of the Hurt Hub for some people. Do you have any comment on that as well?
Louis Onoratini: I think first and foremost I’m a Community and Events Ambassador at the Hurt Hub. I have been doing that for almost two years now. It’s been super fun and really just a great time to help students and the people from around the Davidson community get to know the Hurt Hub and use it as the resource that it is.
I don’t know if I would describe myself as the face of the Hurt Hub, but it’s a great place where I think a lot of people can grow themselves and grow their network. I think a lot of people don’t think about that. I’m not a stem guy. I’m not a computer science guy. I’m a Political Science major, and I’ve still used that space to my benefit, so anyone can do it.
ES: Yes. I think a lot of students think about the Hurt Hub as a place for only Econ majors or something like that, but you’re a Political Science major. What else have you done on campus in your four years here?
LO: I’m a Chidsey Leadership Fellow. I was also the president of Amnesty for my first two years here at Davidson, and I play on the club soccer team.
ES: So the big question, you’re a senior, do you know what’s up next for you?
LO: I’m very grateful to say that I was admitted into Georgetown for next year, and I’ll be studying international affairs with a focus on European studies and European relations.
ES: Wow, that’s huge! Do you think have you made any connections through the Hurt Hub that you can see helping you in your career as you move forward, or that helped you to get where you are now?
LO: Yes. I mean all the people I have worked with here, especially Liz, Kara, Erin, and Zee. Actually in my first year, Zee came into the student project room I was studying in at Hurt Hub and said “I heard you were looking for a job.” I said “yes”, and she said “well send me your resume!”
Also, Liz read over my statement of purpose for Georgetown.
These are people that have kind of made me the person I am because I spent a lot of time with them. I spent winter break and last summer break working at the Hurt Hub.
ES: So you were just in the Hurt Hub and got a job by sending in your resume?
LO: Yes, it was pretty crazy. I also had to go through an interview process.
It was cool to work with them and I got to know them a lot more through that time. You know, if you step out of your bubble for just a second, and see the people that make Davidson what it is, you will meet a lot of super interesting people to talk to.
ES: Anything else you’d like to say or leave with our readers?
LO: I think the most important thing is, we have so many resources here at Davidson, and at times we think, I’ll take advantage of them tomorrow. Then, tomorrow comes at you pretty fast. So, I would just say take a walk around the Hurt Hub, even if it is just to study for an hour, and I’m sure you’ll meet someone or see a resource on the screen that you’ll be interested in taking advantage of!